Do you plan to win or fail to plan?
How does my plan rank?
1 - Not at all like me 2 - Somewhat like me 3 - Exactly like me
1. I have a plan for my success that is less than 1 year old.
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2. I have key goals that define "Where" I want my business to be in 3-5 years from now.
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3. I have between 3 and 5 key business objectives that define "What" needs to happen to reach my key goals.
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4. I have clearly defined measurable results associated with my objectives.
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5. I have timelines established for each objective and the key actions required to reach them.
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6. My company strategy defines the "How" of reaching my Goals.
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7. I review and update my business plan at least once a year.
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8. Everyone knows how they contribute to the Strategy, Goals and Objectives of the business.
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9. At least monthly, the business plan is reviewed and "course corrections" are taken.
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10. I have complete confidence that my business plan will help me reach my desired results.
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10-15 - You have a plan that is stale and needs repairs.
15-25 - You are trying to align your business activities with your business plan.
25-30 - You are executing your plan and reaching your desired results.
What are 3 things that need to change in order for your score to improve?