Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Ten "Business Commandments"

Real leaders know there is a difference between "busy" and productive". Our aim is to achieve our goals -- to be truly productive.

Here are the Ten "Business Commandments".  Take our test and see how you score.

How do you rank? 
1 - Not at all like me                  2 - Somewhat like me                        3 - Exactly like me

1.  Work "On" your Business not "In" your Business
              1              2             3
2.  Control your To-Do List
              1              2             3
3. Have a Positive Attitude
              1              2             3
4. Always Look to Grow
              1              2             3
5. Don't Be Fearful
              1              2             3
6. What More Do I Need to Learn?
              1              2             3
7.  Forget Plan B!
              1              2             3
8. If It Isn't Written It Doesn't Exist
              1              2             3
9. Does Everyone Have the Ability to Make Decisions?
              1              2             3
10. Is Everybody Part of the Self-managing Group?
              1              2             3

10-15 - You are under the control of your business
15-25 - You and your business are at odds with each other
25-30 - Your business is under your control

What are 3 things that need to change in order for your score to improve? 

If you would like to discuss these "commandments" in more detail, give us a call.